Fund for Buhler
Our most notable source of grants, the Fund for Buhler, is an unrestricted grantmaking fund that allows us to address the ever-changing needs of the community. The application process represents the one time of year that foundation representatives - board members, community representatives and staff - hear directly from the community about innovative solutions and critical needs in our community. Each summer we select and fund programs ranging from health and human services to the arts to parks and nature. We also administer grants that focus on specific areas of interest.
Each grant, represents a new approach or collaboration; a new efficiency for an established organization; a critical need that requires “just in time” funding; or an opportunity that needs just that bit of local support to leverage great resources for our community.
A Look Back
Buhler Adult Community Center, $1,429
Buhler Grade School PTO, $5,000
Buhler MB Church, $7,775
Buhler Police Department, $3,000
Buhler Public Library, $3,188
Buhler Wellness Center, $6,327
City of Buhler, $9,000
Buhler Grade School PTO, $5,000
Buhler Public Library, $4,733
Buhler Fire Department, $2,500
City of Buhler, $13,204
Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community, $5,000
Buhler MB Church, $3,500
Buhler Community Farmers Market, $1,200
Buhler Fire Department, $7,000
Buhler Recreation, $3,200
Buhler Public Library, $1,595
City of Buhler, $9,060
Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community, $5,000
Buhler Wellness Center, $3,300
While the Fund for Buhler is not currently accepting applications, past applicants and grant awardees can access submitted applications and complete additional forms in the Grant Lifecycle Management (GLM) system.